First Wine Club Shipment of the New Decade!!

It's time for another wine club shipment, and it is a good one! This shipment has some of the classics in it, as well as some of the new favorites. For those who receive a "mixed" allocation, you will be getting a bottle of 2008 Zc White, 2007 Wanderlust, 2006 Syrah, and the 2006 Fire Sign. For the "Reds Only" folks replace that bottle of 2008 Zc White for a 2006 Hell Block Syrah. Don't fret "mixed" people you can utilize the reorder discount system to get some Hell Block of your own!! For those of you that are "pick up" members, don't forget to bring your reusable Zc bottle bags. Not only are you helping use remain sustainable, you will be entered into a raffle as well. Hope you all enjoy this shipment. If you have any questions about theses or any other Zc wines, we are only an email away Hope to see you all soon.
