So now that things have slowed down considerable I found the time to finish what I started. My Sunday blog entry from sometime in October. Sundays during the crush are most often very quiet, a day to slip into the winery under the radar and finsh a pump over or just blow through the punchdowns and get out undetected. I try to take Sundays off to spend at home for the most part and go in to work only if I have to. This particular Sunday I had a long list of to do's and decided to make it a family trip. My daughter loves to help!

Watch and learn as Daddy demonstrates the punch down, notice the eye contact and the look of concentration of my "intern". I usually only see this when candy or kittens are involved. (she's 3-1/2)

Stella turns out to be a natural, what she lacks in strength, she makes up for in determination. Notice the crowd gathering in the background. If I am working right outside the tasting room door, people usually take interest and I invite them in for a tour and lesson in cornball. Sometimes they even laugh at my jokes.

You think you're done???? Look behind you there are 53 t-bins to go........get busy! (I have found that interns respond well to tough love. Notice the look of pure terror. Or is that taunting, I can never tell.)

Clean it up! Harvest is over, the day after tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much give thanks for. Thank you to my vast readership, without you I would be just talking to myself, wait... I do that anyway. Thank you to my outstanding staff. Thank you for visiting and supporting the winery, and I hope to see you soon. -eo